Versatile Blogger Award – Seven Truths I Must Confess
There may be times everything seems so stressful and you want to give up. There are also times you see the light and something comes along pushing you to keep going. For me, this light was winning the Versatile Blogger Award.
This award is a way for bloggers to recognize one another for the awesomeness we all bring to the blogging world. It also helps us get to know each other (totally my own opinion on this).
Thank you so much, Anita Faulkner, at Brazen Mummy Writes, for the nomination! Anita is a hilarious mom writing about her take on mommyhood. I find her writing very comical and easy to relate to. I urge you to check out her site at https://brazenmummywrites.co.uk
Rules, rules, rules
- If you are nominated, you’ve been awarded the Versatile Blogger Award
- Thank the person who gave you the award
- Include a link to their blog
- Select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly
- Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award
- Tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself
Here are seven truths I must confess…
1. I have a potty mouth, or the vocabulary of a well educated sailor, however you want to look at it. It’s true, I use a lot of swear words. To me, they seem more descriptive and get the point across much easier. Some times “fiddlesticks” or “shucks” just won’t cover it.
2. I get physically antsy while I try to keep my mouth shut when something really needs to be said. I have also been told my face will say what my mouth won’t if I am caught off guard. Removing myself from the situation is usually the best approach.
3. Essential oils are a guilty pleasure I enjoy learning about. I prefer to go the natural approach when possible. I try to limit the chemicals as much as I can but I’m only human. And, let’s face it, sometimes a situation calls for a little bit of junk food and such.
4. I really hate being one of the herd. I like doing things my own way and blazing my own trail. I usually embark on a new adventure following the well-beaten path, but it doesn’t take long for me to go astray. And I wonder where my unicorn daughter gets it from.
5. I have been in a relationship with the father of my children for 10 years and counting. I really have no desire for marriage…this has nothing to do with my relationship, by the way. If I did get married, it most certainly wouldn’t be to satisfy me. I guess I’m really not one of the herd.
6. I hate sweet and savory! No craisins or raisins should touch a salad or anything like it. I can’t do pineapple on pizza. Meats especially should not be sweet. I can’t stand sweet and sour anything, and there is no way I will ever try applesauce or pears on pork chops…I can’t even believe this is a thing! The only exception is bacon and ham. You’re probably wondering, “why not pork in general?” I’m complicated like that, that’s why.
7. Most days I am powered by sarcasm, caffeine, and swear words.
My nominees
Let me just start off by saying I reviewed soooooo many blogs. Some of you I was reading your blog for the first time, while others I had already been following. I really wanted to show extra love to those I find an interest in and share some of the same ideas with. I hope my readers take a minute to check some of these out!
Sharon – Mum on a Mission
Eureka – The Manifesting Mom
Dannielle – Awakened Rabbit and Awakened Bunnies
Kerrie – Mummy Wears The Crown
Lisa – The Beautiful Mama
Kathy – Baby Boomer Super Saver
Jean – Lifestyle Reboot
Nina – Bird from an Egg
Kristina – Spirit of the Soul
Tinu – Tinu
Cynthia – Curated by Cynthia
Mey – According to Mey
Melissa – Chilling with my Mema
Joshua – Little Change
Alicia – Living Joyfully Inspired
Thank you all for bringing you to the blogging world!
Thank you so much for the nomination! So excited to share my fav bloggers!
You’re welcome!
I love your badge! Congratulations, it’s so well-deserved. Looks like we’re very similar on points 1,2,4 and 7. It’s fascinating to learn more about fellow bloggers and find stuff in common. I too am a sarcastic, sweary coffee addict, so high five to that! Looking forward to following your journey and checking out your approved bloggers. Xx
High-five right back at ya for being my kind of people
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