Wednesday’s Words of Wisdom
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Sometimes life has perfect timing showing up with the exact advice you need. Have you ever felt down while scrolling through social media and scroll past that one small piece of advice that seems to move mountains for you? Some say it’s god, the universe, or other powers to be guiding us along.
Today, I would like to share with you the last quote I came across on social media that has left a positive impact on my life.
I am plagued with anxiety that causes me to worry excessively at times. Most often about far fetched scenarios that are seriously unlikely to come true, and other times it is more realistic. So, your regular ol’ run of the mill craptacular anxiety. Not quite the kind that can get you sucked into a world of crippling fear and the feeling of impending doom, but it still sucks.
The words of wisdom, from Joyce Meyer, I chose for this post have stuck with me for the last month or so. There is something about telling myself “worry is a down payment on a problem you may never have,” that keeps me a little calmer.
Sometime the combo of this quote and the smell of Calming Essence (essential oil) from my diffuser necklace snaps me back to reality and keeps me from going to extremes. It’s certainly not a cure all, but it does help.
Please don’t take this as medical advice. I am not a doctor (I would never be able to make it through that much schooling). I simply want to share a quote that resonates well with me, and maybe you too.
Do you have any words of wisdom you call on from time to time? If so, please, feel free to leave a comment below! Also, feel free to share this post with your friends.
Peace, love, and happiness to you all❣️