Wednesday’s Words of Wisdom – Dance in the Rain
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Do you remember going puddle stomping, or dancing in the rain as a kid? Splashing, jumping, or twirling around in the water without a care in the world? It felt good and made you happy, right? You didn’t want to wait out the storm, you wanted to dance in the rain.
Somewhere in our adult lives most of us have grown out of the urge to go out and dance in the rain. We have lost the innocence, the happy for no reason, the magic. We replaced it with anger, guilt, worry, and so much more.
I love the quote by Vivian Greene, “life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass… it’s about learning to dance in the rain.”
As a special needs family, we have learned how to celebrate the small victories after a huge setback. We have learned how to laugh and have fun in the midst of an unexpected crazy event. Living life to the fullest is our version of dancing in the rain.
Dancing in the rain doesn’t need to be taken so literally. It simply means to try and find the beauty and positive, even in the worst situations. There will be dark moments in life. There will be sad times. Life will not always be kind, and if it was you wouldn’t learn anything. So, when you are facing a storm, don’t let life pass you by. Get out there and find that happy. Go dance in the rain!
Peace, love, and happiness to all❣️
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